Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fighting to Lose!

Steve and I are very competitive.  We have been competitive since we were in high school, trying to vie for the best grade in our geeky computer science class.  I think it's what turned the corner for us from "friends" into "going out".  He still brings up that I got an A on my final project which didn't even work.  Thanks Mr. Stover!

So here we are almost twenty years and five kids later.  We're still pretty much the same people, but a little wider in the beam than we once were (his skinny time in high school and mine after Trent's birth).  We still have the same competitive nature which brought me to my idea.  We will compete to see who can lose the most weight (percentage-wise, of course).

We made up a spreadsheet (thanks Mr. Stover!) and are writing down every day our weight.  Although we have only been doing it since the weekend, it has really brought out some funny moments already.  As the grocery buyer I constantly threaten to buy Oreos and Swiss Cake Rolls which are Steve's weakness, and he gives me funny looks when I order water with lemon at restaurants.  He constantly reminds me how much easier I have it because I don't have as much weight to lose and I tell him he has it much easier because there are so many more ways for him to modify his diet.  It's all in good nature and hopefully will be successful in our endeavor to lose weight.

The kids are in on it too, I have one cheerleader and Steve has two.  Either way if we lose any weight, we both win.

Final check-in is in five weeks.  I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

timojhen said...

Excellent stuff! Best of luck to both of you.

(I did something similar from Jan through April, and lost out by 0.13%. Dah!)