Friday, May 29, 2009

Graduation Day!

Lance and his teacher on a nature field trip last week.

My little Lance graduated from preschool last night.  As we were driving to the event, I was telling Lance how lucky he was to get to wear a "motor board."  I mean, I have only gotten to wear one three times, when I was graduating from high school, college, and with my Master's degree.  So it's kinda a big deal.  (Actually this was a little bit of brain-wrenching, trying to make sure he didn't have a fit over wearing the hat.  You probably need to know Lance to understand that.)

I still can't understand why preschools do it...a graduation.  Ours was a little over the top with diplomas and singing.  At the end, they had a very cute slideshow of the graduates with their teachers and friends, all set to tear-jerking songs like "Over the Rainbow".  As I held one of my little babies in my lap, I wept.  Lost time.  Lost childhood.  Lost dad who wasn't here to enjoy it.  I held on to my baby tight and kissed her sweet head while watching pictures of the preschoolers enjoying themselves, grateful for my children and their happiness.

I guess that's why they do it, those silly over the top graduations, to make us realize how lucky we are.  Childhood is so special, and time really does fly.  Enjoy the moments and celebrate!  You're only a child once.

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