Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am attempting my first vegetable garden this year.  I've always dreamed of a garden, ever since I would watch our neighbor in his backyard carefully tending to his crop with eventual armloads of veggies throughout the summer.  I have planned this garden and its contents for many years.  Finally we have a yard big enough to hold my garden and a family of kids who love to play in the dirt.  Let's till!

About six weeks ago, we planned the garden out.  We borrowed a tiller from a friend and Steve started her up.  The Steve/Tiller team fought and fought through inches of clay and rock, while the boys and I had the job of pulling out the rocks and grass. Despite being more interested in the worms we were disturbing, the boys were able to get many rocks out.  Here is a look of the pile:

There is one rock which took more teamwork than Steve/Tiller.  We had to call in the second-string pry bar and shovel team for a super-big one.  The boys think it looks like a step from an old house, I think it looks like a perfect stone to decorate and place in the garden.  Here it is:

After careful consideration, and a couple of chomps from our local bunny, we have a completed garden.  Well, almost completed.  I am still waiting for a delivery of strawberry plants and blueberry and raspberry bushes.  We've planted heirloom tomatoes, corn, zucchini, red peppers, broccoli (only because they look so awesome when planted), pumpkins, cabbage (a gift from Kyle), cukes, and yellow-fleshed watermelon.

It looks like an unassuming pile of dirt right now, I know.  It will be a miracle if it all makes it past the bunny, but I figure he's gotta eat too!  Come around mid-summer, fingers crossed there will be a bounty of veggies and fruits for us to share!

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