Monday, May 18, 2009

It's 8:58 on Monday morning.  I've been up for more than three hours and can only thank my dear friend and her lovely gift of german chocolate coffee for any remaining sanity.  The babies were both up before 6:00, Kate enjoying the wee hours of the morning a little before Luke, but both were up way too early for me!

By 8:00, the big boys were off to school, I had downed my umpteenth cup of joe, Lance was still asleep, the babies were ready for a nap, and I needed a shower (and a bit of peace and quiet).  8:45- babies sleeping, Sarah showered, more coffee....oops!  Forgot to wake Lance!  We are going to be REALLY late for his 9:00 start of school.

This used to bother me.  I hated being late and was annoyed when others were late.  It drove me crazy!  I thought it was one of the most disrespectful thing to have someone wasting their time waiting for you.  I still feel this way, really I do.  People shouldn't have to wait on me and I try really hard to be on time for most things.

Except when babies are sleeping.

I am a firm believer in the old adage to "let sleeping babies lie."  As a rule, it would just about take a natural disaster before I wake my babies.  This especially holds true if they are both sleeping.  Unfortunately this is such a rare occurrence I don't have to grapple with the decision often.

So, Miss Jackie and Miss Julia, some of my favorite teachers in the world...I'm really sorry for having you wait on me.  I appreciate all you do for my little boy every day as I know he can be challenging sometimes.  We'll be there as soon as we can.

As soon as the babies wake up!

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