Monday, May 11, 2009

My friend Kathleen lives in Alabama.  It's far, much too far to see her very often, so it is always a treat when we plan to see each other.  This past weekend was one of those weekends and I had been counting down the months, weeks, days, and hours until I saw her.  We both were anticipating a wonderful weekend of relaxation, talking, drinking, and talking.  It was going to be fabulous!

And it was.  We relaxed and drank and shopped and talked and drank and talked and walked and shopped and talked and drank and ate and talked.  I came home completely refreshed, having learned a couple of things on the way:

  • There are a lot of people in airports.  None of them look like Kathleen.
  • Just because a person has braces, doesn't mean they don't look younger.  They certainly shouldn't ask if the "mother and daughter" are here for their pedicure either!
  • You actually can walk out of a J. Crew store without buying anything.
  • When your favorite pair of jeans is on sale, it means they don't have your size.
  • Walking all over town doesn't seem that far when your mouth is moving too.
  • Walking all over DC doesn't seem that far either when your mouth is moving.
  • Breasts on women over the age of 25 look better covered.  Pasties should also not be attempted over this age.  (I was hoping to catch a glance of Barack Obama while at the White House, not elderly nudists.)
  • People with medical emergencies sometimes just need CIA hats to cure them.
  • Feather beds are a luxury, and some luxury hotels don't have them.
  • Margaritas are not created equally.
  • In person, I cannot tell the difference between Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell.
  • A TV can be hidden in a mirror.
  • Hangovers are not my friend.  Thankfully neither was the ice bucket sitting next to me.
  • Six dollar cups of coffee does not taste better.  It leaves very bitter taste in your mouth when you see free coffee in the lobby later.
  • Saying good bye is never easy.
  • Steve and Tory deserve tremendous credit for giving us a weekend pass for Mother's Day.
I feel very lucky to have a friend like Kathleen.  She is someone who has only been my friend for about four years, but knows me better than many friends who have known me for twenty-four years.   She gives me great advice, calls me out when I get a little rattled, and will talk to me for hours.  I look forward to the next time I see her, even if she can't commit!

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