Monday, January 26, 2009

25 Random Thoughts About Me

The latest craze hitting Facebook is to write 25 random things about yourself.  I decided to post it on here as well for all of you non-FB people.

1. My husband, Steve, and I met in high school. He asked me to my senior prom when he was a junior. We had such a good time and started dated soon after, although the last thing I wanted as I was going to college was to be dating a high school guy. We made it through attending separate colleges and graduate schools, with a little bumpiness on the way. He makes me the happiest woman on earth and I am proud to be his wife.

2. I have a Master’s Degree in Special Education and was a teacher of mentally retarded and/or emotionally disturbed high school students before I had children. I loved it and hated it at the same time. I loved making a difference in children’s lives, but hated that most of them didn’t have much of a future and were probably just going to end up in a sheltered workshop or in jail.

3. I am the mom of five children, three boys and boy-girl twins. I always said I wanted to have five kids, but I think it was more for the shock factor than anything else. It still makes me laugh the number of times people have stared at us as well sit in a restaurant or go out as a family. I’m proud to say we have had many compliments on how well they are behaved out in public.

4. When I was pregnant with my first child, I secretly hoped he was a boy. I always felt like I wouldn’t be a good mom to a girl, based on the relationship I have with my mom. Now that I have a girl, I realize I never knew how much I wanted a girl until I got one and how scared I am of raising her.

5. The worst time in my life was when my father passed away. It was the most heart-wrenching and helpless feeling I have ever had and I hope to never go through it again with any of the people I love. I am proud of the extra time I was able to spend with him when he was sick thanks to my husband’s encouragement but always wish I could have done more. I think about him all the time. He was a very special person to my children, I just wish they had better memories of him. By the way, Steve gave the eulogy at Dad’s funeral and it couldn’t have been lovelier!

6. Our move to our small town was bittersweet. It came shortly after my father’s death because of Steve’s job at Dad’s company, but we were moving into the house of our dreams. I wasn’t sure how I would like a small town, coming from a big city, but I’ve found it to be a wonderful place to raise my children and a great place for me to call home.

7. The pregnancy and birth of our twins was probably the biggest stress on our marriage. I truly thought another baby was going to be easy, but then we had twins! It has rocked my world much more than I ever imagined. Although they are a wonderful addition to our family and I love them so much, whenever I hear news of someone else expecting twins my heart sinks for them. The divorce rate for parents of twins is much higher than average and I know why. Thankfully we seem to have survived the worst part and adjusted well.

8. My children are my world. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay at home with them and love it! Their happiness and health is a reflection of the kind of parent I am, so I work very hard to give them what they need. I’m very, very proud of them. I’m scared of what will happen when they grow older. 

9. I am blessed with many friends, both old and new. My friends come from all phases of my life. I love how I can tell a story to someone who knows me well and not have to explain the circumstances leading up to it! During good times or trouble, I am always amazed at how my friends step up to help. I am certainly lucky and hope I am as good a friend as my friends are to me.

10. I love to talk! I can talk all day! I’m sure people who see me in the grocery store or know it’s me on the phone turn around or screen their calls. Any call or visit from Sarah is going to take a while!

11. I am the child of an alcoholic. Although it’s a dismal reality, I think I have grown into a pretty emotionally healthy adult. The fear of addiction always looms for me, I certainly do not want to raise my children in that kind of environment.

12. I am a closeted slob. I try my best to keep our house neat and clean, but would be mortified if you looked in most of my closets. I recognize the state of my kitchen is directly related to my state of mind, and try to make that tidy. It’s an unending battle.

13. I always bite off more than I can chew. With five children I am always busy, but I add extra burdens with volunteering or projects. It makes me crazy and Steve doesn’t get it, which makes it even worse.

14. I am a terrible singer and dancer though I love music. I love to watch American Idol and think about how Simon would react if I was standing in front of him. I know I would be featured as one of those horrendous singers...can you say William Hung? Alas, I’m too old to tryout so no chance of humiliating myself.

15. I love the smell of wood burning fires, freshly mowed grass, play-doh, bubble gum and a clean baby. My favorite foods are Mexican, ice cream, and popcorn. My favorite drink is a margarita, frozen, no salt.

16. I am a news junkie. I read the Washington Post every morning which usually makes me late for other morning activities. The Post goes especially well with coffee, my other addiction. Any time between six o’clock in the morning and four o’clock in the afternoon there is usually a pot brewing at my house.

17. I am a bleeding heart liberal, not a popular point of view where we live. I enjoy talking politics with people who have an open mind or at least will not think less of me for disagreeing. Politics can be messy with a friendship so it’s best not to discuss unless you are comfortable with the person. I am undecided about my belief in God, also not a very particularly popular position. I attend church with an open mind, but am not convinced yet.

18. I don’t enjoy massages, but love pedicures. Watching me get a pedicure is humorous because I am very ticklish! I don’t enjoy massages because I find it difficult to relax. I think I thrive on chaos.

19. I cry at the drop of a hat. I cry over movies, dead animals on the side of road, and cross words from those I love. I haven’t mastered the single tear running down my cheek either, it’s always one of those ugly, scrunched-up face cries.

20. I have never tried illegal drugs. The first time I saw people smoking weed in high school, I was so scared cops were in the next room and we were going to get busted. Kept me away from the hard stuff, but not alcohol. I’m just lucky I didn’t get hurt during my college years with booze.

21. I have Celiac Disease, an auto-immune disorder of the gut which means I need to eat a special diet. It made me very thin and in a lot of pain until I was finally diagnosed. It makes me feel very uncomfortable when at friends’ houses because they go to a lot of trouble for me, but I appreciate it very much. To be honest, I cheat sometimes which may make me feel guilty one day if I get cancer because of it.

22. I love to entertain and have friends over. However, I don’t feel like I am a good host to more than one friend. When I have more than one friend over, I always come away from the event feeling like someone has been neglected. It doesn’t stop me from inviting multiple people over, but I always have regrets later.

23. I have a brother who I am not too close with. He and I agree it’s amazing we came from the same womb. As children we didn’t get along and as adults I think we don’t understand each other. I doubt we will ever be close.

24. Very rarely do I comment on people’s weight and only sometimes on their appearance. I think the weight thing stems from being overweight when I was younger and then being so skinny when I was sick. I felt so miserable but people were always telling me how great I looked. Now that I’m pretty average, I still get uncomfortable when people talk about my weight. I get this a lot, “You're so tiny, how did you carry those twins?”

25. I try to always be honest and optimistic, very hard to do both sometimes. Therefore, this was difficult to write.

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