Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Will Not Be Dooped!

Since our visit from Santa, we have been visited by the Tooth Fairy many times.  I'm not sure if it's the Halloween candy catching up with us or the substantial increase in indoor wrestling which is the biggest factor, but T-Rex and Skye have been losing their teeth left and right.  Thankfully it's all been baby teeth so far, but I won't be surprised if a permanent one comes flying out soon!

I'm not one to dispute fairies or to say disparaging remarks about magical ladies, but her story just doesn't hold much salt.  There's no history behind her or carols to sing, she just visits you magically in the night when your tooth comes out and leaves you a treasure.  What does she do with the teeth?  T-Rex's preschool teacher asked all her four year-olds what the Tooth Fairy did with all of those teeth.  The best answer, though not from my son, was that she built a castle with them.  Cute!

As for the treasure, it differs with every family and this makes her story even more difficult to explain.  At our house you get a golden dollar plus one quarter for every tooth you have lost, but it's not unheard of for us to get a story of the TF leaving $10 for your first tooth.  Insanity!  And so the Tooth Fairy has been in and out of our house, but her story just isn't jiving with Skye.  His skeptical nature about Santa has led us to pull some serious strings, but he is really not buying the fairy who loves teeth!  So we have this conversation:

S: Mom, do you put the money in my pillow?
Me: No, Honey.  I don't put the money in there.  (Mental note: Must get Steve to put it in tonight so I'm not lying.)
S: Are you sure Mom?
Me: Yes Babe.  I don't put the money in your pillow.
(We have this conversation for much of the night.)

Skye continued to be skeptical and, much to my chagrin, had come up with a plan.  He had lost a tooth and wouldn't tell me when he decides to put the tooth in his pillow.  This had me panicked!  I am not reliable enough to check his tooth pillow each night.  He will surely be disappointed when the fairy doesn't leave her treasure and even more so when he realizes why.  So I check.  I check every night.  I'm reliable!  He will not be disappointed!  Unfortunately, each night he doesn't leave the tooth.

Then T-Rex loses a tooth.  I figure this is the night, so I check Skye's pillow too.  No tooth, but it is sitting on his bed in a bag.  I deliberate, I ask Steve.  We take the tooth and leave the money.  Problem solved!  I win!  Until the morning...when Skye comes downstairs with a very long face.  "The tooth fairy took my tooth and I didn't want her to."  After drying his tears and explaining that possibly she took T-Rex's tooth and thought he wanted his taken too, he was fine especially since he had more money on his pillow than his brother.

He's still not convinced and I still have my problem!  He still has more teeth!

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