Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Urge to Build

Kyle & Trent with building their snowman and the finished result. I want to show them a REAL snowman!

Yesterday and today's weather were completely unfair. Thirty-two degrees and...get this...raining! Can you believe it? I can't either! When the temperature reaches the freezing mark, snow is supposed to be falling from the sky. Instead we were treated to some ice on the car and freezing temperatures, with no snow day or even a delayed opening.

Now many would think that after a two-week "vacation" with my lovely children, I would be anxious to shoot them off to school, revelling in the lack of snow or any delays. Nope! Still child at heart (or a teacher) and would love to have some glorious snow. Looking outside and seeing everything covered in a blanket of white just makes me happy, despite the shovelling and mess it makes when it melts. I love it!

I don't, however, like cold weather. This may seem like an oxymoron to you, but if it's cold please just let it snow. Snow is the best thing about cold weather. As far as I'm concerned, this weather we're having is just a waste of cold. Mother Nature should either get it snowing or warm us up, stop taunting me!

You may have noticed I haven't said much about what I do in the snow. I mentioned enjoying it from the window because that is really the way I like snow. As a kid, all the neighbors and I would all gather in our front hill and sled for hours. We would build ramps which would break your tush when you landed, our dog would chase after us taking our hats, gloves, and fingers along the way and we had a ball. I've loved snow for my entire life. But as I've gotten older, and used to certain creature-comforts, such as warm toes and a dry nose, I've found I enjoy snow much more from the window. I love watching my kids revel in Mother Nature's white miracle and have been known to join them less and less often.

But as I look outside and wonder how it can be that precipitation in thirty-two degrees is nothing but rain, I really get the urge to go out and build a snowman. I want to build a snowman taller than me, with a carrot nose, a top hat, and maybe even a corn-cob pipe. I want to make hot cocoa for kids once we come inside and I will even wipe some drippy noses. Just give me some snow!!!

1 comment:

marcyh said...

I am in total agreement. If it is going to be so cold we need SNOW!!! And a good one at that. And none of that ice stuff either. SNOW, real honest to goodness SNOW