Monday, February 2, 2009

Lucky Girl

This was the blog I was writing when I was so rudely interrupted with a cancer scare (see previous blog).  I'm sharing it now because it's even more poignant.

I'm going away this weekend, the first time I have left the twins alone since they were born and the first time I have been away from my entire family in more than six years.  I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.  Nervous to leave the family, though I know they will be in good hands with Steve who is always ready for a challenge, and excited to hang with some dear friends of mine.

"The Honey Girls", as I call them, were named after a cocktail one of the girls discovered.  It was smooth, cool refreshing, and a bit potent.  I loved the drink and love these girls.  With the exception of two, we all have a connection somehow with Mount Vernon High School, either as fellow classmates or as spouses of MV alumni.  We have been getting together for more than five years every month.  When I moved out to the boonies, I thought my evenings with The Honey Girls would be limited, if not over, but they have been gracious enough to travel further to make it work.  In the past five years, we have created more children I can count, supported each other through family drama and tragedy, and have had so many laughs.  It's a great group of people!  We are also having another classmate of our join our trip, one who I haven't seen in a while and am looking forward to hanging out with.

We are going to Deep Creek, MD where there is a ski resort and a spa nearby.  We have rented a house with a gorgeous view of the lake and the mountains and a hot tub!  I plan to spa and snow tube, drink lots of wine (though not too much as to be hungover the next morning), laugh, relax, and have fun.  I have looked forward to this trip ever since they went last year and I couldn't go because I was on bed rest with the babies.

I'm also so, so nervous.  I hate being away from my kids

...this is when I got the call.  The tone will sound different as I feel a little different now.

So I'm leaving.  It's hard on me, it's hard on the kids, and it's especially hard on Steve as he'll be doing the most work.  But I know it's really important for me to have "me time".  A mom with three small children saw me at Costco today and asked me how I had any time to myself.  When I told her my plan for the weekend, her jaw dropped.  As she nursed her little one, I could see her mind wondering when this would happen to her.  This was especially interesting since it was the first question she asked me.  I'm fortunate to have this opportunity, enough complaining.

I will have fun!  I will enjoy being "Sarah" and not "Mom", "Honey" or "eeeh" (as I'm affectionately known by the babies right now.  I will come back refreshed with a new set of patience.  It will be good!

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