Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Novel Idea

I'm not very good at keeping secrets.  My secrets, that is.  Tell me a secret of yours and it's in the vault, only to be spilled when permission is granted.  But my secrets are less sacred, less important and certainly less juicy.

My latest secret is that I'm writing a book.  A novel.  Fiction, based on stories, feelings and experiences I have experienced or gone through with friends.

That's it.  That's the plot.  Juicy, huh?

Really that's all there is to it because the rest is still getting formulated in my head...characters, setting, time frame, etc.

I know this is real because I bought a notebook to start writing down all of my ideas for my novel.  In the moments of calmness in my house (usually while I'm in the shower or driving), I constantly come up with dramatic sentences or ideas.

So my secret is out, the notebook is bought.  Expect me to be on the best seller's list very soon!

Because, seriously, the notebook is bought.

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