Monday, April 19, 2010

Household Democracy

Trent, not walking on water...yet!

My big boys decided on Sunday to hold an election for President of our family.  Now I'm not really sure who put the idea in their heads that our house was a democracy, much less that the one elected President would have any authority.  If they had more brains than egos, they would realize this household is a dictatorship run completely within my rein with a teensy bit of control from my dearest husband.  (Love you Honey!)

So they had speeches.  Lance's platform was based solely on health care.  "If I am elected, we will only eat strawberries and healthy food."  Love it!  Trent decided on a much more structured speech with laws which read like this (taken straight from his notes):

  1. have to have as money signed by the president
  2. all bills are going to have to be signed by the president
  3. everyone should listen to all speeches
  4. if anyone is mistreated you go to jail
  5. you must pay taxes
I'm not exactly sure what Kyle's platform was, at this point Steve was discovered listening in and was banned from all further speeches.

Apparently Kyle's speech was worse than enacting healthy habits or living in Trent's kingdom.  Maybe he was so appalled at Trent's speech, he became!

Elections were held and a victor was decided.  Apparently those polled enjoy the dictatorship because they chose to elect Trent, my dear sweet Alpha male!  

Now it was time to make a Constitution:

Weller people over the years have come from Germany and Spain.  On April 18, 2010 me Trent Weller became 1st president of the Wellers.  I was very surprised I won.  I wrote laws for everyone need to follow.  I am sure Kyle Weller will win (I think he means the next elections here, but not sure).  I think the most importantest (sic) one is every one need to be treated fairly.

Trent Weller

(Written on back)  Will never had more success with his work for the 6 hours I have had my job.  Been taking my job very seriously.  I will change over the next 6 days.

Now I'm speechless, but I really do like the word "importantest"!

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