Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mid-Life Crisis?

I was reading the paper today about a celebrity doing something absolutely ridiculous.  The author surmised it was because they were having a mid-life crisis.  I can't remember was the circumstances for the silly behavior or exactly who the celebrity was because all that stands out in my head is the person's age...38...which happens to be exactly my age.

Mid-life crisis?  Seriously?  How can this be?  I feel like I'm 23, with a whole lot more living to do.  Heck I still get zits!  Forget those five crazy little rugrats around me who insist on calling me mom!  Forget those crow's feet next to my eyes!  Forget the gray hairs I've cleverly covered by the box of Garnier every six weeks or so!

I cannot be middle-aged!  I don't have a red sports car, still driving a mini-van filled with kids who still need to be buckled in.  I am not a cougar looking for the cutest twenty-something guy out there, still happily married after almost 13 years.  I have not had plastic surgery to fix things perceived to be broken, still carrying war wounds of a twin pregnancy.  Nope, no mid-life crisis here!

Okay, the life expectancy of a typical American is about 76 and that number divided by two is...yep.  Got it.  Does that mean I've hit my mid-life?  Is there a crisis looming?  Is this something to look forward to?

Maybe I've forgotten about how those rugrats, wrinkles and gray hairs for age is just a number and I have not hit a mid-life crisis.  I'll blame my forgetfulness on my aging mind.

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