Friday, March 5, 2010

My Obsession

Okay, here's a crazy thing about me...

I am in love with laundry.

It's a good thing I am so obsessed with this chore.  With my three adventurous boys and my two year-old twins, one who can't eat a raisin without making a mess and the other who decided months ago she was potty-trained but has had on three pairs of pants today (in addition my second outfit due to an extremely unfortunate episode at the bus stop this morning), I have a lot of laundry to do.

Surely I would much rather be sitting poolside with a cocktail and a good book or watching American Idol (go Lee!), but my fantasies of laundry fairies haven't appeared yet and the piles keep piling up.  I hate the piles...darks...lights...whites...bleh!  They accumulate on my bathroom floor a day after I have done every dirty stitch in the house because our hamper just isn't big enough.

Laundry is almost a daily chore for me.  I do two or three loads every day and about ten loads on "laundry day" which is about once a week.  I find myself obsessing about it, often wanting to put cute status updates on my Facebook and Twitter accounts.  Thankfully, I am sane enough to realize how uncool and unsexy it would be and hold back.  Must give the impression of cool and sexy!

I think the reason I like laundry is it's the only thing around I have to tend to which will wait for me.  It doesn't say no.  It doesn't scream my name needing attention.  It can be ignored once in a while, always being there when I'm ready for it.  I like the fresh, clean smells of the warm clothes as they come out.  I also like the challenge of the stubborn stain, mixing up concoctions to see if they come out.  I'm particular about my laundry too, making faces at my husband if he even opens the cabinet where I keep my laundry supplies.

It's a crazy obsession, but it works for me.  Now if only I could get obsessed with the sink load of dishes waiting for me.

Any dish fairies out there??

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