Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Daze!

Kate and Luke during the first snow when we were all smiles.

Perhaps you have heard about our snow?

First there was the snow in December. About two feet to get us really excited for the fat man in the red suit. Ho, ho, ho! Great photos for the Christmas card and lots of fun! Snow banks piled up as high as the front-end loader could pile them and only the tip of the babies' hats could be seen over the piles of shoveled snow.

Kyle and Trent

Trent after the summit.

We enjoyed the snow, what a memory!

Little did we know what was in store. The December snow was just a taste of what Mother Nature held in store for us in February. Last weekend, the second storm hit...with gusto! It snowed for two days, sometimes at a clip of more than an inch an hour. Two and a half feet, added to the six inches we had gotten two days earlier, left us begging for mercy.

Making lemonade out of lemons, as Wellers always do (hee-hee), we made the best of it. We invited neighbors over, played some games, and went sledding. Often I laughed as I passed a window, amused by the joke Mother Nature had played on us. School is out for all week and the kids are happy! I'm getting creative with ideas, baking cookies and making valentines. Good thing we have so many people to love in our family!

Steve and Trent braving the elements, trying to carve out our cars.

Kyle displaying the absolute craziness of it all!

Today I don't feel like laughing anymore. The blizzard conditions and expected 10-20 more inches of snow isn't funny anymore. Mother Nature has blown the snow to cover all of the windows so I can't look outside anyway. Otherwise I'm sure I would be calling her something close to Mother Nature, but not quite. I've run out of ideas for the kids, one baby is sick with another soon to follow, my joints hurt...I could go on and on! I'm ready for spring!

Perhaps, upon reflection, I should find gratitude in the madness. Gratitude not only for the loving family I can share this experience with, especially my husband who continues to dig us out. A roof over my head, warm food in my belly, and kind neighbors and friends with whom to spend these cold days and nights with. Electricity which hasn't given out once (yet) and cable to keep the kiddos occupied.

I'll stay quiet with my complaints, for I am truly blessed.

(Pictures of today's storm to come, once I can open the door.)

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