Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Primer in Primer

Saturday the dry wall guys were finished with their work. They did a beautiful job, but the flying dust down there was suffocating. It is coming from every crack and crevasse in the house, making our fall stinkbug invasion seem like only occasional visitors. I have been fighting the dust on every surface, including on dishes in cabinets. It stinks, but I need to keep reminding myself of the lovely basement we will soon have.

As a side note, I must tell you something my dear husband told me one night last week. We were talking about the workers and he said how impressed he was by how clean they had kept everything. My hazy recollection has me saying something equally complimentary, as I adjusted my heating pad on my back for all my aches and pains. If he only knew...

On Saturday the fun really began and my friend Traci and I trekked out to Fairfax to visit my brother, who conveniently works at a paint store and graciously offered me his 50% discount. By taking advantage, we saved a bundle (thanks Andy) and also sprung for a paint sprayer to make the job easier. I have no idea how many gallons of paint and primer we bought, but it filled up the back of our Volvo station wagon!

Steve broke out the sprayer on Sunday morning, viewing the informational DVD and practicing the arm motions. When he felt he had mastered all spraying techniques, he got started. After about 2 1/2 hours, he had sputtered and spewed out 5 gallons of paint and was back at the paint store for 7 more gallons to finish the job. Here's what it looks like now:

The double closet of the den/bedroom.

Views of the rec room area.

Still my favorite part of the project, the bottom of the stairs and pantry.

So, so happy to be at this point!

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of what Steve looked like when he was done because it was truly funny! His clothes and skin were covered, and his lips and eye lashes were covered in white. Honestly he looked frost-bitten!

So that night as he adjusted the heating pad on his back, moaning and groaning about his soreness, I felt it was only proper to say, "Gee, that sprayer really does a great job!"

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