Thursday, October 29, 2009

Drywall hangers were here yesterday. You would have known by the silly grin I had plastered (pun intended) on my face throughout the day. It was a happy day, a day I never thought would get here when piles upon piles of wood were put in my car's space in the garage. That was a year and a half ago! I still don't have my car in the garage, but it's getting closer!

When they arrived in the morning, they were quiet. They were moving the drywall sheets, joint compound buckets, and other materials down to the basement from our driveway. When we left to take Kyle to the doctor it was quiet, quiet.

Not so much so when we returned. Lots of banging and drilling and banging and drilling. Thankfully we had gotten back in enough time for the babies to get used to the sounds before their naps and putting them down was fine. In fact, the noises might have kept them sleeping late which was really helpful as you will understand in a minute.

I was getting ready to go pick up the big boys at the bus stop when one of the guys comes up and says in broken English, "Ummm...Miss...pipe...water". I run down to find a gushing pipe they had hit with one of the screws and a ten foot wide puddle which keeps flowing. I don't know what to do. These guys don't speak English and my Spanish is much more food oriented. "Necesito una margarita" would have come in handy later, but right now I wanted to scream, "Holy Cats boys get some towels, stop up the hole, how could you have done this? AAAAHHHH!"

I call my husband who is trying to understand where the hole in the pipe is while he is talking the the contractor who hired these guys to do the work. In the meantime I'm running across the street trying to find my neighbor, Jose, to do some translating for me. He comes over and I'm pretty ticked off so I do some things I probably shouldn't have done like stomp my feet and sigh a lot. After direction from Steve and the contractor, Jose tells the guys we will take care of the water leak and they should just get back to work. I managed to turn off the water main line and the pipe settles down.

The big boys arrive home and are all over the task of sweeping and vacuuming up the water. They are filthy, but most of the water is up. Crisis averted.

We went out to eat because you can't work without water and Steve went to Home Depot to find some parts to fix it. When he got home, he realized he wasn't going to be able to fix it and called our plumber who had done the original work. He said there was a water main for the basement, so we were able to have water in the late evening.

As a side note, the kids really enjoyed the fact they couldn't take a shower, even though it wasn't a typical shower day to begin with, and they had to brush their teeth with bottled water. I think they spend three times longer brushing their teeth with the bottled water than under the faucet. There was also talk of carrying water from the rain barrel to flush a toilet which needed flushing which got great excitement too! Novel things...

Today everything is fine. I still feel bad for being so grumpy with these guys to whom I can't say I'm sorry to. After the crisis was over I said, "Lo siento mucho" (I'm very sorry), but i'm not sure if they understood the issue.

Tomorrow is another day. The drywallers will be here in the morning mudding and pasting, getting us to our goal. Jose has given me some lines to use, although I'm glad we distinguished the difference between the words bitch and slut in Spanish! I think "me culpa" will suit just fine!

In the meantime, "Necisito una margarita, por favor!"

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