Tuesday, October 27, 2009

OOOPS! He Did It Again!

As you may have seen in the last post, Lance had a gray tooth on the top. We honestly have no idea how it happened. We came home from a vacation two summers ago and POOF! A gray tooth. Although it was not pretty to look at, the dentist said it was nothing to worry about.

Until it started to bleed. On Thursday, Lance came downstairs after brushing his teeth and it was bleeding. It had gotten looser and also more gray recently, but this was worrisome. I called the dentist right away and scheduled an appointment for later that morning.

When we arrived at the office, the dentist said there was an infection in the tooth and it needed to be P-U-L-L-E-D. I had warned Lance about this, but he wasn't worried because he had just lost his bottom tooth the week before. So he was all for it!

Meanwhile, I am struggling with the babies, trying to corral them into a corner as dental tools and buttons scream their names. "Luke, touch me!" "Kate, play with me!" "Luke, break me!" But this isn't a story about my pain and suffering, it's about Lance's.

But there was no pain and suffering. He rocked! He didn't flinch at all to the first round of novocaine shots and only once with the second, which was in the palette of the mouth and would have left me running from the room.

After the numbness was in full-effect, the doctor pulled the tooth with little effort. Lance was great and came home with another prize to put in his tooth pillow.

And this time he didn't lose it!

Just in time for Halloween, my Lance-O-Lantern!

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