Monday, December 1, 2008

The Sadness Continues

Today is the third anniversary of my father's passing. Although the raw pain has numbed, my heart is still loaded with sadness. I am weak with sadness to know he will not be able to see my boys grow up , much less the joy he is missing with the two new grandchildren he never knew. Losing him was the worst thing I have had happen in my life and I miss him dearly.

I keep a journal next to my bed. It started as a "Mommy Journal" filled with tidbits about my children and about being a mom. It has evolved into a place where I write personal bits about my entire life, not just about being a mom. I wrote this a while back and thought I would share it today as a tribute to my dad.

You taught me the difference between right and wrong, left and right.
You laughed at my jokes because you actually understood them.
You handed my children the most precious gift of all, your time and love.
You gave me the strength to be the person I am and the aspiration to be more.
You showed me what unconditional love it.
You gave me the opportunity to tell you "I love you" through my words and actions.
You gave me the courage to write this.
You showed me the beauty of this world. But I wish you didn't have to suffer.
You enlightened me of the appreciation of life. But I long to have you here.
You showed me complete determination to fight your fight with courage. But I wish you had won.
You told me it would be okay, it wasn't. But you are full of dignity and pain free.
You gave me your whole heart, now a piece of mine is missing. But I have the strength to carry on.
You said "Hi" to me that awful morning. But I never got a chance to say "good bye".
Good bye Daddy.

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