Monday, November 24, 2008


Blogs are an interesting thing. I love checking on my favorites and seeing what my friends are doing. Some of the blogs can be so thought-provoking or laugh-out-loud funny. I sometimes feel like a voyeur when reading these blogs, reading some very personal things.

My blog is just about my life. I'm not very interesting. I'm your typical mom in LoCo. I wear Danko shoes in the winter and flip-flops in the summer. My everyday uniform is a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, with a design if I'm feeling particularly spicy. I drive a minivan. I lose my patience. I own a couple of soccer mom chairs and which have been dragged to more kids' sporting events than I can count. I'm a very typical mom with a very typical life, so why do I write?

I started writing to entertain myself, as well as to keep my friends and family up-to-date on the latest happenings in our small village. Sometimes I have a hard time finding the time, and other times (like tonight) the words are spewing from my fingers. Nonetheless, it's something I enjoy.

Sometimes I forget my blog is open for the world to see. I write to an audience of those who I know are reading because they usually send me a comment or an email (you know who you are). Recently I have found more people are checking up on me than I realize. I think much of this is due to the exposure I'm getting on Facebook and a bit by word of mouth, but it's very flattering people are taking an interest in what I have to say.

Thank you for your time. Feedback is appreciated!

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