Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kate and Luke

I can't believe the babies are going to be a year old next month! What a wild ride it's been! I continue to hear of new twins births (three in one weekend!) and anticipated twins with such mixed emotion. While we feel very blessed to have Kate and Luke in our lives, it is certainly not easy to have twins.
They are both crawling now and getting into lots of trouble. Luke seems to be the most curious one while Kate follows along to see what he's doing. They love to get into anything where there might be hidden treasures. My purse on the floor, the TV cabinet, the remote control basket, and most recently the toilet all are their favorite things right now.
This is a really fun age, an age where they seem to come up with a new skill every day. They are waving to everyone, clapping, and showing us how big they are..."So big!" The best right now is Luke will constantly shake his head "No" while Kate will only nod her head "Yes". It may be an indicator of what's to come...

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