Thursday, October 16, 2008

Buried Treasure??

There are guys jack hammering outside our house right now. It's shaking the house and VERY loud! Unfortunately the babies are both asleep and I am quite certain they will wake up from the noise. It irritated me until just now...

Lance has been looking out the window, wondering what they are doing. It looks to me like they are replacing a block of the sidewalk which was marked with an "X" because it was unsafe. Lance has been talking aloud about their possible motivations for doing this work and finally has come up with the perfect solution. "Mom, they are looking for buried treasure! They found the X and are now digging up the treasure." He continues to watch to see if they bring up a treasure chest.

Oh, to be four again! At least I got a good laugh out of it and the babies are still asleep! What a wonderful thing!

POSTLOGUE: The jackhammering didn't wake up Kate, but the sound of Lance exclaiming,"Yummy!" to my chocolate chip cookies did. Just goes to show how delicious my cookies are!

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