Friday, February 29, 2008

Why I Love Costco

Okay, Costco has got to be the best store going. Whether you are buying for two people, as my in-laws do, or an army, as I do, Costco is your store! Where else can you find clothes, food, computers, lawn and garden, and furniture all under one roof with samples around every corner? Are you kidding me?!? This store is the best!

Steve's parents, Phil and Joyce, like to "graze" (their words, not mine) when shopping at Costco. They sample everything and critique what they just ate. Then they come home with a rotisserie chicken ($4.99), maybe some grapes and cheese, and whatever they may have enjoyed when grazing. The chicken is great for two dinners and chicken sandwiches the next day. It's perfect for them and they love it! In fact, as they are currently gypsies and travelling in their RV, and I can almost guarantee they know the location of every Costco from Pennsylvania to Florida. It's almost unbelievable they bought a house in NC far from one. When they come up to our house, they are itching to get to our Costco as soon and as often as possible.

For me, Costco is a shopping mecca. Do I need an 8 lbs. bag of frozen crinkle-cut french fries? How about 3 dozen eggs? 96 loads worth of laundry detergent? Yes, yes, yes! I just can't leave there without a cartload of stuff worth more than a day's worth pay. The worst part is trying to fit it all in the cart and taking it all home.

It's when I get home from Costco I hate! There is no easy way to carry in four gallons of milk at the same time. Everything is so big and bulky and hard to carry. I ask 4 year-old Lance to carry in the three 48 oz. bottles of ketchup and he says, "Are you insane?" Honestly it is a lot to ask! He carries in the packages of toothpaste (four tubes!) and toothbrushes (10 of them) instead. I struggle with where to put it all, but the accomplishment when it's all put away is so fulfilling.

And if, in the end, you still can't find what you are looking for or you just can't face going home yet, park your cart, go to the cafe and get a hot dog and soda for a buck fifty! Can't beat it!

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