Friday, February 22, 2008


Kyle, my eight year-old son, slept upside-down in his bed last night. My husband even pulled out the sheets and remade his bed so he could sleep that way. He also wanted to wear he pajamas inside-out and put ice cubes down the toilet, all recommendations made by his principal to encourage Mother Nature to make it snow.

Apparently my son is superstitious, something very foreign to me. I find the entire idea of superstition to be a little crazy. Sure it's fun to gather all your friends and have a snow dance (I have to admit I've done it a time or two myself) and of course it's safe not to walk underneath a ladder, but am I really going to have bad luck if I cross the path of a black cat or open an umbrella inside the house? Come on! I really don't have a problem with opening an umbrella in the house, especially if they are going in one of my cocktails! Doesn't sound like bad luck to me!

Bad luck is such an oxymoron. Luck is supposed to be such a good and positive thing, how can it be bad? To be lucky is to win the lottery (though some could question this) or to have a loving and safe place to fall when you are down, but is a person who has just been diagnosed with cancer or a person who was just in a car accident "unlucky"? I hope not. I tell my husband I don't believe in bad luck, it just isn't conducive to my "glass half full" outlook on life. Good luck...good, bad luck...doesn't exist.

All that said, I woke up to my husband telling me school was closed today because of the weather. Although it didn't snow, we do have a sheet of ice covering everything outside. Was this because Kyle slept upside-down last night? Probably not, but it sure is nice for him to believe it!

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