Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dear 16 Year-Old Me

My cousin just recently posted a video titled "Dear 16 Year-Old Me."  Although the video was amazing, an educational video about melanoma which you can see here, I expected it to be about something different.  With the posting of the video and a couple of other happenings throughout the day, I got to thinking about what I would tell myself at 16.

And would I listen?
Dear 16 year-old me,

I'm not the wisest, the wealthiest, the prettiest, or the most perfect person on the planet, but there are some things I know for sure.

You're going to be okay.  Life is full of bumps and bruises, but it's the way you handle those little hiccups which determines how you wind up in the end.  Positive thinking, silver linings, and a lot of patience can get you through.  A bad thing doesn't always have to have a reason, but I bet you could find something good come out of it.

No matter where you go or who you're with, if you have compassion and integrity you will get far.

Everyone deserves love.  Unconditional, fall-to-your-knees love.  If the love you have doesn't fit into both of those two categories, run like the wind!  Seriously.  True love will come to you, don't settle.  

Don't settle for friends either.  There are billions of people in this world, someone who hurts you doesn't deserve to be in your life.

A sincere "sorry" takes a lot of practice.  Practice it.

Death is scary.  Grief will sink you to the ground, holding you hostage for a long time.  You may not think you can live without another person, but in time you will become comforted by your memories.  Allow yourself to mourn, but realize you must also live.

Have a passion, something that makes you *very* happy.  If you can't find one, keep looking!

Take risks, live your life to the fullest, accept challenges, and do you best.  Be gutsy.

Judging others is not a charming attribute.  Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

39 1/2 year-old me

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