Monday, June 20, 2011

All Comes Together

It's the first Monday of summer break and we already have one at camp and two others asleep at 9:00.  It's raining so I'll let that pass.

Our chore charts are hung up on the fridge and journal pages are waiting for some thoughtful insights or creative stories from the boys.  I have high hopes!

Last week I was so full of anxiety, mainly worried over my graduating elementary boy.  Although I knew he was ready, I wondered if I was.  Another step closer to growing up, oh my!

But it's interesting how things all come together for me sometimes, or how my mind sifts through the good and the bad.

On the morning of the last day of school, Kyle won the Eagle Award at his school.  It's the only award of it's kind at the school, reserved for a student who stands out as a good citizen (and I'll just add good-looking and smarter than everyone else because this is my blog and I can make up stuff like that).  Our pride soared for Kyle and the wonderful comments from his teachers and our friends about Kyle and our parenting made it an even more special award.

And it got me to thinking about Kyle.  And how he's ready.  And how he's going to be just fine.  And how he's a great kid.  And we are fortunate to have him in our lives.

Because really, the one thing you want to do as a kid is grow up.  And really, the one thing you want as a parent is for your kid to be a good citizen.  Why should I worry about middle school when we both have what we want?

So as the fifth graders made their final walk through the halls of the school, high-fiving the younger students lining the halls, many of the moms were teary-eyed.  I thought I would be a blubbering fool, but I wasn't.  I was ready for this and so was Kyle.  It was all good.

Of course on the drive home, reflecting on the morning's award, Steve said, "If only he would keep his room clean."

I guess we can't have everything we want.

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