Monday, November 24, 2008


We are getting ready for a trip to North Carolina to see Steve's parents. We are going to celebrate Thanksgiving with them, along with Steve's brother, his wife and their two boys. It will be the first time we have been there since the summer and the first time Steve's brother and his family have ever been. It will be a full house with a lot of action, the cat will surely never be seen!

Packing has been a breeze, the kids have been helping. I've baked a couple of gluten-free things and bought a couple more for bringing down. No problem! The problem is the house...I'm neurotic about making sure it is spotless before we leave.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't like coming home from a trip to a messy house. Heck, I don't even like coming home from the grocery store to a messy house (though it happens more frequently than I care to admit). There's plenty of laundry and unpacking to do when you are home, I certainly don't want to be faced with vacuuming when I walk in the door as well.

But I'm worse than most, I am a raging, out of control, throw anything that gets in my way maniac when I get ready for a trip. Toilets scrubbed, windows cleaned, furniture dusted, wood floors mopped...check, check, check, check! It's obsessive! I think it's even gotten a bit worse each time we go away, tomorrow I am having our carpets professionally cleaned. The next time who knows what length I will go to???

So happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm sure I will find my many blessings as soon as I finish with the kitchen counters!

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