Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Didn't Realize I Lived in the Country...Until Now!

I'm in the checkout line of the grocery store yesterday with the twins and Lance our four year-old. While we're waiting for the woman ahead of us to finish, I load my groceries on the belt...a rotisserie chicken, some frozen veggies, and four gallons of milk. The woman was very friendly, flirting with the babies and talking to Lance about the ins and outs of being a big brother. The cashier, Betsy, who incidentally has taken a liking to our family and knows all of our children by name, says to the woman ahead of me, "Do you think their family go through a lot of milk?" The woman ahead of me laughs and I say, "Well normally I don't get my milk from here but I ran out before I could pick it up from my dairy co-op."

Let me explain. I order my milk, eggs, yogurt, ice cream and sometimes other items from a local dairy. All of their produce is organic and cheaper than at the store, plus I think it tastes SO much better! I order every other week and have to pick it up every other Tuesday. Sometimes we drink more milk than I ordered for those two weeks, so I was at the grocery store getting more milk to last until this Tuesday when I pick up more.

Okay, so back to the grocery store... I get up to Betsy and she asked me if I own a cow. At first I thought it was a little joke about how much milk I was purchasing as we tend to go through about a gallon a day, but she was being serious. She explained, "A lot of our customers share or lease a cow and get their milk from it." I explained my dairy co-op situation to her and she said that she guessed leasing a cow wouldn't be good for us since these were people who were looking for raw milk.


Anyway, I left with my four gallons of milk and laughed. I have been called a cow (and worse) before and felt much like a cow while nursing, but I have never been asked if I own a cow before. I guess I really am in the country...sigh.

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