Thursday, August 14, 2008

Autobiography as a Haiku

This was an article I submitted to the Washington Post for their now-defunct "Autobiography as a Haiku" section. It was to describe yourself in 100 words or less. (I had trouble with keeping it below 100 words.) Alas, it wasn't selected but I can post whatever I want on my blog so here goes...

Typical Saturday morning… Husband in garage, our three boys outside playing, and me doing chores. Out the window, I see my baby start to cross the street oblivious to the nearing SUV. I run to save my precious baby, knowing I will never make it in time. The SUV misses him within inches. I scoop my baby up, scared as hell and grateful for his precious life.

Typical Saturday afternoon… We eat lunch, the baby sleeps, and our boys look for their next adventure. I continue to replay the day’s event in my head. This day was anything but typical.

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