Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sneaky, sneaky!

You may have heard...I am trying to integrate healthy eating habits in my family. It's going pretty well, we have definitely been eating more fruits and veggies. The kids have even started getting into the habit of asking for them for snacks. I'm feeling pretty good about it! We've had our ups and downs though.

One "up":
This weekend I was making dinner. We were just having left-overs, cleaning out the fridge of all food not eaten from previous meals. I actually look forward to left-over nights, it's a time I get to see who liked what the best. It's a good tool for me. Anyway, I had this bag of two cucumber sticks and (what I thought was) a half of cucumber. Lance is really into eating cucumbers right now so these were going to go on his plate. As I examined the half cucumber, I realized it was zucchini instead. I thought, "Why not?" and prepared it as I did the cucumber earlier. He ate it like a champ, no questions! There was one moment I thought it was going to backfire when he made an ugly face as he ate a piece, but, as those of you with kids know, kids like to make ugly faces. This is especially true when their brothers are sitting across the table! Score one for mom!

One "down":
One of my new books has great recipes for kids. I decided to try a muffin recipe for breakfast last week. My friend Michelle said they were delicious. They have no refined sugar, whole-wheat flour, and lots of shredded apples and carrots. Healthy and delicious! I tried them and they were pretty good. As I was making them, I knew I was going to have to come up with a different name for them. Apple-Carrot Muffins was not going to go over very well. I called them "Superman Muffins" because they would make the boys so much more "super". I made twelve of them, I ate two and the dogs ate one. Nobody would touch them! Rats! They're here for another couple of days if you want to try them.

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