Tuesday, May 24, 2011

School Board Speech

The Principal of my childrens' elementary school asked me to speak tonight in support of purchasing Promethean Boards for every classroom in our county using surplus funds.  I'm nervous as hell and my voice is going!  I'll let you know how it goes.  

Until then, here is the speech.  Forgive the punctuation mistakes.  They are more for me to remember to breathe!
Good Evening
I am here tonight as a parent and representative from Emerick Elementary School in Purcellville. 
Emerick is not a new school like many in western Loudoun.  We don’t have a fancy new school quipped with the latest technology.  But we DO have a strong community, love for all children, and a passion to learn just like other schools.  Our spirit sparkles like the freshly waxed halls on the first day of school.  We are fortunate.  Emerick is a wonderful place to learn.  
Our administration and PTO have worked very hard to keep our school updated, but technology changes rapidly.  There’s just not enough wrapping paper and bake sales to keep up.  
I fully support the use of the surplus funds to equip Promethean Boards in all classrooms in Loudoun County.  Promethean Boards are very popular at Emerick, both with students and teachers but we are not fortunate enough to have one in every classroom.  I have three children who attend Emerick, only my oldest is fortunate to have one in his classroom.  His teacher uses it almost all day, incorporating curriculum, cooperative learning and demonstrating lessons.
My other two children at Emerick aren’t so fortunate.  Their teachers are amazing, truly amazing, but think of their potential if their classrooms were equipped with Promethean Boards!  WOW!  The inequity between the classes with Promethean Boards and those without does not go unnoticed between students.  My younger boys are all intrigued with the Promethean Board...a bunch of windows wide open for learning!  Think of the potential!  WOW!
Please consider the use of the surplus funds to purchase Promethean Boards for every classroom in Loudoun County.  Think of the potential!
Thank you

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