Thursday, July 24, 2008


My little Luke, also known as "Ukey, Ukey, Ukey" in some parts (especially the South), is such a great little guy! He has two wonderful smiles, one with his mouth wide-open and beaming eyes and another as he sucks his bottom with a grin. The latter is new since his first tooth! His laughs are just contagious, big belly laughs nothing short of hilarious due to not much more than a glance from anyone. He's a super-happy guy and so much fun to be around!

But he's got this issue I cannot figure out. He loves to wake up and hang out within the 5 o'clock hour. Granted, I love the boy and love to spend time with him but I also like to sleep! This is a problem.

He usually wakes up singing. He'll make musical noises in his crib until one of us goes to get him. He wakes up with one of those aforementioned grins and a squeal of delight. Baby talk for "Good morning, great to see you!" If we don't go in there quickly enough, he usually will serenade us for about five minutes before frustration sets in, he will start to cry. Alas, we would prefer to go in to a squealing baby rather than a fuss-bucket!

I would like to think he just wants to spend some quality time with me. I sometimes feel like I'm short-changing my kids, especially the babies, because I cannot spend as much quality time with each one as I would like. I'm a busy mom with five kids, unfortunately there's a lot to do! So maybe he just needs some one-on-one time with me. Honestly, I could think of better times. I look very haggardly when I wake up before the sun, my breath is atrocious, and I'm grumpy (coffee can take the edge off, but it's not a perfect solution). I don't want to spend any time with me, why would this little guy?

We've tried letting him cry but he will just get hysterical and usually wakes up Kate. We've tried pelting him with food at night to ward off the morning hungry pains. We've tried getting him to sleep later but then we are just burning the candle at both ends. Nothing seems to help!

Today he woke up at 4:59, a minute before Steve's alarm went off. I got him up, changed his diaper, and made him a bottle and me some coffee. We went downstairs and played and I read the paper. I do enjoy the quiet time in the house, it is quite peaceful, but I would trade it in a heartbeat for another two hours of sleep.

Fast-forward two and a half hours. Kate wakes up with a big grin and a desire to play. Luke is crabby and wants to go back to too! I get her up, he goes to sleep. Sweet dreams my little one!

My day is just beginning!

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