Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Big Challenge

I have come to realize through much experiences and observations that I am not the mom I want to be. I know we are not all perfect, but there are certainly many ways for me to improve. I don't want to change the world, just tweak my world a little bit.

My kids are picky. My husband is picky. I am told I am picky too, though I disagree with this a bit. I read an article a couple of months ago in the Washington Post about picky eaters. The article talked about "supertasters", people whose sense of taste and texture is much more heightened than most. Steve whole-heartedly subscribes to this position. He has always been a picky eater, mostly with vegetables, saying the texture just isn't good. I think he sees it as an excuse and another way to be "super." The article also said people who eat one item at a time on their plate (that's me!) are picky. I would say that it has less to do with pickiness and a lot more to do with my OCD (something I may address another time), but call it what you like! My kids basically follow in their dad's footsteps. They see his nose flare at the green beans (texture!) and suddenly I'm the bad guy for even thinking they should put this toxic, green vegetable in their bodies. A mushroom may put them over the edge.

We have made some subtle changes over the years. We switched to Ovaltine rather than Hershey's Syrup for chocolate milk, use 1% rather than 2% milk (skim milk may be in our future), water down all juice for the kids, and I make my own popsicles to cut down on sugar. My kids take their lunches to school so I can see what they're eating. I even belong to a local CSA for organic fruits and vegetables and a local dairy co-op for organic milk and eggs. I have bought a couple of books to lead me in the right direction and a couple more for recipes once I am there. I am armed with all the ammunition, let's roll!

My first step is to encourage five servings of fruits and veggies a day. I will keep you updated! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

kat said...

Weird...your cousin is a supertaster too! Broccoli is disgusting. Glad to see you are blogging again.