Sunday, July 17, 2011


We live in a fabulous area for finding local food.  I am blessed with friends who have provided me several paths to fresh, local beef and chicken and a local dairy and egg co-op.  In addition to my beloved garden, our town has three farmer's markets a week and TONS of local pick-your-own places.

Last weekend we went with our cousins back to the CSA we belonged to a couple of years ago and picked some wonderful blueberries.

They were plentiful and wonderful and I fell in love with the bugs and the heat from our old CSA once again.  Despite these things they could complain about, the kids obviuosly had a great time.

Lance insisting on carrying the large box to fill, and he did a pretty good job!

Kate loving every minute!  In spite of her strawberry stealing at home, she was quite reserved with the blueberries...until we got home!

Kyle with his bounty!

Luke so happy to have filled up his pint container, with a little help from Trent and Dad.

Coming home with our harvest, we dutifully pulled out the big, juicy berries and popped them in our mouths while saving some for some future blueberry pancakes.  The rest of the blueberries went into making this...

TOTALLY worth the bugs and heat!  I'd share some with you but it was devoured in three seconds flat! But if you come visit, I'll make one for you!

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