Monday, August 31, 2009

Ode to Summer 2010

Good bye my dear summer of 2010,
I wish we could start all over again.
The visits and parties, and the trips in the car,
With friends, with family who are unfortunately a bit too far.

We had our lessons, oh yes it's true,
Tutoring and karate, piano and guitar too.
These things we enjoyed every week,
To learn new passions of which we seek.

The one thing we enjoyed above all the rest,
Was the one thing we love the best.
The splashing good times at the pool,
Was sometimes the only thing to keep us cool.

And so I bid you a fond departing wave,
This glorious summer I wish to save.
School is starting for another year,
It's sad I know, I may shed a tear.

My children are moving ahead each year,
The memories of this summer I hold so dear.
For soon they will be all grown,
And be out living on their own.

So goodbye dear old 2010,
And although we will never see you again.
We look forward to 2011 summer,
Which may just be even funner!

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