Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Five Months!

The babies are five months old! I can't believe it! Steve and I were reflecting how it seems like they have been a part of our lives forever, but it's only been five months. I don't know if that's good or bad. Nonetheless, it's been a wild ride! From the shock of finding out we were having two instead of one in June, to bed rest in October and November, and all of those spur of the moment hospital runs after counting contractions. I can't even tell you how many lists of counted contractions I found after they were born! And let's not forget the graceful fall I took off our porch! Our poor friend who turned around to find me laying belly-down on the ground. My apologies Jay!

After many, many sleepless nights we are finally sleeping! That seems to be the number one question we get from people. We separated the babies into separate cribs about a month ago after they kept punching and waking each other. Thankfully they don't seem to wake up to the other one crying because we can't separate them out of the same room! Okay, okay, you caught me! Kate has been sleeping in our room for about a month now. We started putting her in the swing to elevate her when she was congested and she started sleeping through the night. It's working for us and she will probably be in there until the swing won't move anymore from her weight. In other words, it won't budge from the pudge!

I get tons of people stopping me all the time when I'm with the babies. Everyone has a comment to make, and mostly these people are completely enjoyable to talk to. I've gotten a couple of "Double trouble" or "Better you than me" comments, but I know people mean this in a good way. I probably get the most comments when I'm in the grocery store pushing the double stroller and pulling a cart. I've got an awkward system that works for me, but it definitely catches people's eyes. My friend who also has twins (happy first birthday to them, by the way) is tired of the comments and stares and just wants to get her shopping done. For me, it's kind of a treat to have others enjoy looking at my babies. The funniest comment I always get is, "You sure do have your hands full!" while they see me with the babies and usually one other child. My response is, "You don't even know!" They are only seeing me with three of my kids! Funny!

I still struggle with trying not to short-change the babies. I gave up a long time ago worrying about my other boys. If you know them, you know they will not allow themselves to be forgotten! Kyle is so grown-up, thoughtful and helpful, Lance is stubborn but snuggly-sweet and Trent loves to sing and make up songs...more about that some other time. The babies, however, haven't figured out how to stand out from the crowd. I always feel torn who to go to when they are both crying, who should get a bottle and who I should nurse, who should get to sit in front in the stroller...the list goes on and on. I try to be equal in my endeavours and love, but am eternally grateful my older boys and my husband have so much love to give as well.

The fun has begun, however, in living with the babies! They are awake a lot more often then they were even a month ago, but are so much more entertaining. Kate has complete conversations with anyone who will talk to her, especially when talking to the baby in the mirror. Luke has this belly laugh which is absolutely contagious and he does it often! They will look at each other and smile, Kate will talk to Luke and he will giggle back. Very fun! Life is about to get a lot more interesting!

This is a great time to thank all of you again who have supported us through this exciting time of our lives. Phil and Joyce, THANK YOU! Our neighbors and friends who brought dinner and gifts, we are so grateful for you. My dear friends who have listened and supported me through the pregnancy, delivery, and first five months, I would not be sane without you! Steve...banana!

1 comment:

Andi said...

Wow!! I can't believe the chunkers! Never mind the sleepless nights and shoppig trips...I can't imagine the grocery bills when they are all teenagers!! Love to all and hope to see you soon! Andi