Monday, September 21, 2009

Something's Missing

The one with the peanut-phobia and his friend Oliver.

My almost 6 year-old son Lance doesn't like peanuts. He will tell you he is allergic, just to make sure you won't feed them to him. People are really afraid of peanut allergies! He's not allergic, just doesn't like them. We feed him jelly sandwiches instead of PB&J's, M&M's instead of Reese's Pieces and everything is just fine.

But I feel like he's missing something. I think I realized it today when he sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" like this:

Take me out to the ballgame,
Take me out to the crowd.
Buy me some carrots and Apple Jacks...


Friday, September 18, 2009

Needing a Pick Me Up

I've been a little down recently.

Sure, I've been sick and wanted nothing more than to plunk my rear end on the sofa with a pint of Ben and Jerry's (to ease the sore throat, of course) while watching reruns of Oprah or Grey's or even Game Show Network. But I don't think that's it.

Sure, the babies have been sick too needing much more time and attention than is humanly possible by one person, much less five or six. But I don't think that's it.

Sure, my husband has been working day and night and weekends too. But I don't think that's it.

Sure, my older boys come home from school like whirling dervishes, throwing all loose articles off them as they move, full of energy and empty of food. But I don't think that's it.

I think I realized the problem was bigger than these things when my husband came home this week. I met him on the porch and melted into his arms, sobbing. I was sick, tired and beaten-down, feeling like something had to give.

It was the next day I realized my problem. This is the first school year I haven't had to get out of the house. I don't have a preschooler, so no daily runs back and forth to school. I am stuck at home at 11:30 every day for my half-day kindergartner to get on the bus so that seriously limits where I can go out. I have been stuck in my house and this makes me crazy!

This may not seem to be a big deal, but we were on the run a lot this summer! Super busy, no time to rest. Go, go, go! It was exhausting, but I loved it!

Now I'm home. Stuck. No adult interaction. No places to go. Nothing, nada., glitch.

Realizing my problem, I am determined to pick up my boot straps and be proactive in finding things to do. I will have play dates and invite friends over for coffee and take the babies to classes.

Wish me luck! (Wanna have coffee?)


Totally knew it was 2009, not 2010 as posted in my Ode to Summer 2010. Just seeing who was paying attention.

(Thanks for catching my mistake Andi!)