Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Clog of Blogs

It's summer time!  A time to be carefree and whimsical!  School's out, so let's stay up late and catch as many fire flies as we can.  Let's wait for the ice cream truck for I hear it around the corner.  The sweet smell of a combination of sunscreen and bug spray...how I adore it!

Unfortunately, summer usually is not like this around my house.  I have five children and therefore we spend most of our time in the car, transporting from one activity to another.  Here's an example of my plans for the day, number of minutes to drive the activity is in parentheses:

9:00 drop Trent off at lacrosse camp (30)
10:00 drop Kyle off at tutoring (15)
10:45 pick up Kyle's friend (5)
11:00 drop off Kyle's friend at tutoring and pick him up (15)
12:00 pick up Trent (30)
12:45 drop off wait Trent at guitar lessons (35)
1:15 pick up Trent at guitar lessons (just wait in the car)
1:45 drop off all big boys at karate (30)
3:00 pick up big boys from karate (15)

All of this while trying to keep the babies from their newest favorite activities, including flushing the toilet and dumping out the dog's food and water.  They will be full of energy from sitting in the car all that time.  Good times!

So please pardon my lack of blogs this summer, not that there isn't a lot to write about.  On the contrary, having everyone at home has led to some funny moments.  I'll leave you with this one which happened last night:

Steve got home last night and I suggested going out to dinner.  We packed everyone in the car and headed to a crab shack in the next town over.  We hadn't been there in a while and it was a nice night to just sit out side and get a little messy.  Unfortunately, it was closed.

Now this is the part where my city-girl still lives deep inside me.  I can not imagine going to a restaurant to find it closed!  Especially on a Monday night when I'm still trying to get back in the swing of the week.


So we turn around, en route to our go-to place, and talk about how great the crabs were. "Boy!  I couldn't eat another bite!"  "I'm so full!"  "No ice cream for me tonight, thanks!"  Blah, blah.

Trent pipes in with, "That was the best food I've ever eaten."  Pause.  "I'm being psychotic."

Steve and I turn towards each other and bust out laughing.  Trent says, "What's that word again?"


Yes, that's it.