Thursday, April 30, 2009

Slapped on the Wrist and Moving On

I know, I know!  It's been FOREVER since I've written!  I have excuses, lots of them, but I'll save them for other dry spells.   The truth is that I put the blog on hold while our dog was sick.  I thought we were going to lose him and thank goodness we didn't, but it was a while before we had our Willie back.  I didn't feel like I could write like everything was fine, nor could I leave it open while we were dealing with him.  Then he got better, and I got busy, and it's been two months!  My apologies!  I plan to make it up to you.

I'll start by telling you something I found last night when putting the babies to bed.  Usually they are very easy to put to bed, we've found a little routine of bath, teeth brushing, medicines, and snuggles which seems to work.  We put them in bed, close the door and "good night".  Well, last night Kate was not having it.  She fussed and screamed until we went in there to snuggle some more.  As I went to pick her up, I glanced over at her brother sleeping soundly in his bed.  He had his blanket covering his ears from the wretched shrieks and fell right to sleep.  What a smart boy!  

Good thing he learned that trick early, based on his sister's lungs I'm guessing we're going to want to plug our ears a lot.