Thursday, May 15, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...eating edition

  • Popcorn
  • Fruity frozen things (popsicles, sorbet)
  • Yellow cake batter
  • Bananas (perfectly ripe)
  • Margaritas (frozen, no salt)
  • Baby toes!

These are a few of my favorite things...smelly edition

  • Playdough
  • Purple (grape) kool-aid
  • Bubble gum
  • Freshly mowed grass
  • BBQs
  • Clean babies
  • Dirty, smelly kids who've had a great time playing outside all day
  • Wood fires
  • Banana baby food in a jar

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nanny, Nanny...Boo, Hoo!

We are on the hunt for a nanny. I have been conflicted about this decision to begin with, mainly because it is so difficult for me to ask for help. As the summer nears, and I realize the older boys aren't going to have as many excursions as I would like with the babies, I thought it is now time to get some help. Steve is also starting a new job in mid-June which will make his time less flexible, which is what kind of got this process started.

I began getting the word out. I put a couple of ads on Craigslist, asked some friends and neighbors if they knew anyone, and even asked at the PTO meeting. Surprisingly, the most responses I got were on Craigslist, but, not so surprisingly, most were not good candidates. Though I was specific in where we live, some wanted to know if we were Metro accessible. (um...hello? We live fifty miles from DC!) Others wanted me to come pick them up. (um...) I did get a couple of good candidates so I scheduled some interviews.

I am looking for someone who can just give me an extra set of hands for about 10 hours a week. My hours are completely flexible, I can schedule my life around when I will have help, and it really is just a luxury for me and my family for us to get out and do things. Maybe we could even find someone who could watch the kids at night so Steve and I could have a date! Other than that, I really don't have many expectations...or at least I thought!

The first interview was interesting. The woman spoke some English, but was pretty difficult to understand. I was open to the idea of her speaking Spanish to our kids, I actually thought it would be awesome to expose them to a different language. She seemed to love the babies, her eyes lighting up and joyfully saying "twins?!?" when she saw there were two, but really didn't seem to savor the idea of hanging out with the older boys. I knew she wasn't the one for us when I asked her what she did for fun. "Fun? What do you mean?" (sigh) I couldn't picture myself having conversations with this woman pool-side, which made me realize I may be looking for some thing more than just a nanny. I am looking for someone with whom I can interact with as well.

Our second interview was more promising. She is a nanny for another family three days a week and a mom of an eight month-old boy who she brings along with her. This raises a red-flag for me. I am having trouble juggling two babies, how will she juggle three? Later, after speaking with her a little bit, another red-flag came to my attention. I didn't even think about how her baby would react to seeing her with other babies. (sigh) Of course, our conversations with this woman went smoothly. She has the same ideas about discipline as we do, seemed really energetic and peppy, and didn't seem overwhelmed with our five children. She even has a six year-old step-son who goes to the same school as Trent and Kyle, so she knows how to handle older children as well. While I really like her, I'm not sure she is the best candidate with her baby in tow.

We have another interview on Thursday. I am most hopeful about this one. She is a local high school student looking for a summer nanny position. I got her name through a friend who goes to the same church and this girl works in the nursery there. Since it will only be for the summer, it's not ideal. Hopefully, if it works out, we can get her on a limited basis during the school year or at least for an occasional babysitting. I will let you know how it goes.

Searching for a nanny is difficult! I am not struggling with the idea of leaving my children with a stranger as most parents who go through this interview process do. I will be with this person, getting to know him/her much before I left my children. (Wouldn't it be something if I ended up with a "Manny? I wonder how Steve would react, especially if he has Brad Pitt good looks? The boys would love it!) Steve will also be working from home about half of the time so he might hear if something was going on or if there was an emergency. The hardest part is finding someone who I like enough to have a relationship with, but someone who I could depart with if things didn't work out.

The search continues...